Saturday, February 5, 2011

Welcome to your life

I first wanna start out by saying, this is going to be one of the most EPIC legacy's you have ever had the pleasure of feasting your eyes upon, the Cabbagehead legacy. 
I now introduce you to our (ghetto) fabulous founder, Peaches Cabbagehead.
She has the traits; Snob, Hot- Headed, Over-Emotional, Kleptomaniac, and Flirty. Her Life time wish is to posess $50,000 worth of stolen goods. This should be interesting.

I promptly plopped Peaches down in her fantastic mansion.
I think it's fantastic!
Peaches, however, not so much. In an attempt to turn that frown upside down, I bought her something to make this big empty lot feel like home.
It even matches her dress! What did Peaches think?
She turned up her nose it. Well, Peaches, I guess you're burnt because that's all you're getting!

I guess she didn't hate it all that much after all.
Being that peaches is a fabulous sim, I decided that nothing should stand in the way of her being fantastic, especially things like "Bladders" and "Hygiene" So I added her a lovely bathroom.
Because she's worth it. And instead of sending her to the park and gym for food, 
I bought her a fridge. 
Peaches finally realised her big empty lot wasn't so empty any more, she went to evaluate her new items.

And promptly decided she didn't like it.
Oh, Peaches.
Because she didn't have anything better to do, she decided to go find someone to talk to.
And being that the paper girl just dropped off the paper, I made her lazy butt find a job. After the shopping spree she had maybe $100?
I decided that she should earn her money instead of going into some rabbit hole somewhere, and because you can get free food, as a firefighter.
You'd better learn to take off those heels, unless you wanna be burned alive.

Instead of having Peaches sit in her bed for the rest of the day I sent her into town to meet some people (preferably a hot future husband)

I sent her to the park, and what does she do?
Looks at herself in the mirror, way to be social, Peaches.
I noticed some people were having a pleasand picnic, and because I'm not one to pay for food, I sent Peaches over to take some, and hopefully meet a hot guy in the process.
Doubt it.
Peaches promptly stuffed her face,
And bolted.
I guess she figured these kind of low lifes don't deserve the company of Peaches Cabbagehead! I also assume  she didn't realize without their food she would go hungry.
Across the way I spied a hot guy who I think Peaches would be very interested in.
He could use a make over, but look at those muscles!
Being the intellectual type she was, she called him over for a riveting game of chess.
The got to know each other and Peaches gained a skill point at the same time!
Eventually, he got hungry though. So he prepared to leave, but not on Peaches' watch!
She went to work flirting. I don't know how you can flirt talking about dusting, but who knows!
And it was going pretty well!
Just look at those delicious plus signs, they're meant to be (Also Peaches had a "flirt" want)
Then Peaches talks about the subject she knows best;
Herself, and it's obvious he's bored.
So she talks about the stuff she owns, and since it would seem pathetic to talk about her toilet or fridge she talks about her phone.
I guess she doesn't realize every single sim has one. Apparently this guy does and is having none of it.
Whatever, he wasn't even that hot.
So I sent Peaches home.

More like a campsite than a home.
At least she has a toilet and not some tree!
And a bed not the ground!
Well this concludes Peaches Cabbagehead's first day of life, stay tuned for her first day of work!

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