Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This is an ugly baby

I left you guys at a cliffhanger, Peaches left a pot of spaghetti on while little Plum had her birthday. Fortunately, I saved the say and got the stove off just in time. The food was burnt but at least the family isn't.

So here's little Plum, all toddlered up.

I have a thing where I need to fix my sims as soon as they age up.

It's not like she couldn't use it. I am none to pleased with the look of this baby, normally, I would have deleted her and made a new one, but you guys know about her, so I'll keep her around. 

She turned out pretty cute after her makeover.

Since Peach was my first toddler and I'm not sick of her yet, I actually fed her in the high chair.

Peaches got started on doing important child training Exercises, she is actually a fairly good parent so far.

Or, she's just sick of diapers.

Because I sincerely enjoy messing with the neighbors, I made Cyclone dig through the Alto's garbage, maybe he could find out something juicy about them.
All he found was shampoo, a duck, and SURPRISE! Garbage. Also, Blair Wrainwright was on the phone and asked him to come over. I was playing with Peaches for a while and when I clicked back to Cyclone I found him like this

Why is he in his underwear? I sincerely think he cheated on Peaches. 1. I found him like this 2. Blair and him are Romantic Interests.

Peaches never got a betrayed moodlet, but I don't think she ever found out. 

Meanwhile, while Cyclone was off being a cheater Peaches was at home being a GOOD PARENT.
Also, randomly, $20,000 got dumped into Peaches funds, I have no idea why but I'm going to assume it's from Cyclone's book royalties.

I decided to upgrade the house! Two stories? We're moving up!

Plum's new room.

And Peaches will probably have more kids in the future so I made it a room.

New downstairs

And a living room!

Finally their new bedroom that I forgot to carpet and paint.

Well if you haven't noticed Peaches' new outfit, yes she is wearing a new outfit. It's not her typical purple leopard print goodness she's usually seen in because she's pregnant. This shirt is bad CC pregnancy. Anyway, the pregnancy was uneventful, Peaches had her baby with nothing exciting happening.

Little Apricot Cabbagehead, I really should start writing their traits down, because I can't remember her's.

And now is when parenting gets annoying and hard.

Annoying baby cries.

Annoying toddler stinks.

Annoying dad watches tv instead of helping.

Well that's all I have, but don't worry I have alot more coming soon. Find out if Peaches ends up killing one of the babies, or going insane.

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