Thursday, February 10, 2011

I want a guy with a loooooooonnngg... jacket

So we last left Peaches with no stove because she just burnt down her house, well alot of stuff has happened since then so get ready!

Peaches had done a good job at work that day and saved up enough money so I could pay to replace her stove and counter, before she could try either out she went to bed. When she woke up I had her attempt to make pancakes.

I would have her try autumn salad, but it's breakfast time and I don't have the option.

She managed this far flame free!

Peaches' first meal, yay! Not even burnt! I guess Peaches likes her stoves a little burnt, but her food cooked just right.

Maybe I should buy her a chair next...

Along with being able to cook Peaches can upgrade the fire engine now.

And the fire alarm!

I always try and have Peaches chat this guy up, but he never wants anything to do with Peaches. I guess he can't handle all the purple leopard print fabulousness that is Peaches Cabbagehead.

If you hadn't noticed, there are big orange lines coming from the fire alarm, meaning Peaches actually has to go out and do her job.

But the guy's house burning down is seriously unimportant compared to this phone call, guys.

Despite Peaches' blatant incompetence she somehow managed to get a promotion from fighting this fire, she DOES look good in red though, This guy thought so too. Everybody loves a woman in uniform.

This is her regular work uniform, which I actually really like.

So Peaches had to get back to work, that guy kept trying to chat Peaches up, even though his wife was home! In order to keep the men pawing at her, I had Peaches work out to keep her sexy body, well, sexy!

Peaches had previously had an opportunity that had her gain an athletic skill point in order for money, so I sent her to the stadium for her reward and spied a gorgeous man for Peaches!

Yes I'm talking about Cyclone Sword. I know his name is in l33t or something, but It's too hard to remember exactly how it's typed and I'm too lazy to write it that way.

I had Peaches ask him his sign, they weren't compatible, but they weren't not compatible. Usually I like them to be compatible because it makes dating easier.

Despite that, I had Peaches ask if he was single anyway, he was.

But Peaches was sleepy and moody, he plumbob was all red so I sent her home.

The next few days of Peaches' life was boring. I seriously only have pictures of her running at work and cooking.

I had Peaches chat up this guy again, seeing as I wasn't really feeling things with Cyclone, His name is just too hard to type.

It was all going well,

Swapping firefighting stories.

Until a giant man eating plant emergency came up.

Peaches had been doing pretty well so I decided to get her stuff off the ground and build a foundation. I had previously tried to make houses without the foundation and I hate the way to looks so this is what we get for now.

At least she can pee indoors.

I really should have bought her a chair.

FINALLY it's the weekend and I have time to send Peaches to go do things, mainly meet a man.

I sent her to the gym to hopefully meet a hot guy.

Except it was seriously an estrogen fest.

This was the only guy there, awesome.
Nooo parts of that, so I sent Peaches to the shopping area to see what we could find.


I immediately sent Peaches over to chat him up.

Peaches asked his sign, she had the wish to learn it,

And they're compatible!

Only one problem, see that lady with the red headband on the bench? Yeah that's this dude's wife. So obviously this guy wasn't responding to my flirts. I decided he was a creep anyway and found someone new to flirt with.

Well, not new per say. Hey he was there, what do you want from me.

Now that Peaches was in a good mood, they actually hit it off pretty well.

Very well

Aww! Peaches' first kiss!

She liked him so much she asked him to be her boyfriend, which he said yes to.

But fatigue reared its ugly head so I had to send Peaches home.

Aww, she's even dreaming about him!

Because Peaches didn't really have a house to invite Cyclone over to, I decided Peaches would invite herself to his house. Unfortunately he was at the park, that didn't stop Peaches from seeing her man!

So she went there and found him.

Nothing more romantic than kissing your guy and him screaming about having to pee.

Not being one to let a bladder spoil her romance, as soon as he was empty Peaches followed him in.

And being the classy individual she is, she got down on the dirty bathroom floor and proposed. With the filthy toilet as a witness.

He said yes of course, and the figured while they were both there, why waste time and money?

And got married right there in that bathroom.

And thanks to the extra money Peaches got from getting married;

She has walls AND A TABLE!

Well that's all I have for now, but believe me I have much more juicy stuff coming up soon!


  1. Awww a bathroom wedding, how romantic!

  2. Nice legacy. I look forward to reading more. If you don't mind I would like to add it to my Favorite Legacies list on my blog.
